After enter the name on the "From" & "To" field, and email adress in the "His/Her Email" field, follow by the "short note" and click "send", nothing appear on the screen. Have try different email address and different PC, but same. Please help. Thanks.
When you said: "nothing appear on the screen", does it mean it still stays on the same screen? Did you check to see if the email address that you sent the invitation to has received the email?
"nothing appear on the screen" mean after I click the send, the screen just disappear and there is no confirmation message mention whether is success or not.
After you send the invitation successfully, the program is supposed to bring you back to the Notify Settings screen. There is no screen with confirmation message.
Please check the Spam email folder to see if you have received invitation email.
Please send me a private message by clicking on the icon in the upper righthandcorner of the page, or an email with the email address that you were trying to invite to join your Online Family account. You can find my email address at