Problem with FanPages on Facebook

Yesterday I logged in to Facebook and everything were ok.
Today I ran my PC (NIS were updated to latest build) and I have problems with browsing pages.
I had no other installations, so I can say - it is a NIS problem :(

When I browse regular pages on Facebook and my Friends - no problem. (background in white)
When I try to browse ANY fanpage (even I like it/not like it), I have only a blue bar on the top
and blank ("grey") page (like... it is not loaded). I tried on IE - the same.

I tried on Opera - no problem, like above. What is going on? Can anyone help me?


When I rebooted my PC and made a full scan I discovered, that on Opera also problem exist.
Also on another PC (I have 3 PCs with NIS newest version installed) ... :( Anyone can help :/


