Problem with installing

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.



We need some further information about your issue.


What kind of antivirus or security program did you have before McAfee?

What type of "copy" of McAfee did you get from your work? (I assume they have the appropriate license to install it on your computer.)

Which Norton Product are you trying to install?

Are you running XP or Vista?

Are you sure you have completely uninstalled all other antivirus / security programs before trying to install Norton?

Are you sure you have eliminated the malware or virus?


From what you are describing, it sounds like one of two things. There is another protection product that is either running or has not been completely uninstalled OR... the virus/malware has not been completely removed.


Before proceeding with the following, since it is unclear if you have any protection running, be sure to have some type of firewall running, even if it is just the Windows Firewall - you don't want more trouble.


Use the Symantec Online Security Check Here and scan you machine.  If the Symantec report is clear, then download the free program Malwarebytes , update it and run it just to double check that your computer is clean.


Let us know how you do with this.



Try with Norton Removal Tool to remove all files left by bad uninstall. This will remove all your Norton sofware. If you had problems with uninstalling mcafee, first use mcafee removal tool. I also advice you to uninstall spyware doctor. Norton has it's own spyware protection that works great. To prevent conflicts and ensure good performance, you don't need additional security sofware with Norton installed.

Vejdin makes a good point about removing Spyware Doctor to avoid any conflicts.

So I see. I am running it on Windows XP. And yes it’s group licence for mcafee. I completely removed it, I can’t even install a norton trial addition.  I am also free of any virus/malaware/spyware.  I am currently using the free version of Avira’s Antivir but I am not so pleased with my results and would much rather prefer Norton. I suppose i could try uninstalling Spyware Doctor. I’d rather not though, if you can come up with a solution



First, get rid of Avira - I'm dealing with another forum member where Avira is giving him false positives.


In order to install NIS 2008 you should remove all other security products. Spyware Doctor is only designed to remove spyware, malware, etc, but is not a full security suite like NIS which includes realtime antivirus protection, personal Firewall, Phishing Protection and also protection from malware, spyware, etc. Spyware doctor only has SOME of these features if you purchase "add-ons".


I think once you get NIS 2008 installed, you will like how well the entire suite is integrated. It runs in the background protecting you in numerous ways that Spyware Doctor can't.  I have been using Norton products for many years and have NEVER been infected.


If you decide to uninstall your other security products, please be sure your Windows firewall is ON until the full installation of NIS takes over the firewall duties.


PS: Once NIS is installed, you may be able to reinstall Spyware Doctor and use it in a passive mode once in a while just to "double check" things. However it should NOT be running in realtime along with Norton.


Let us know how you do.

Ok thank you for the help. Here is what I did, I went to best buy with both my Norton and my Spy Doctor and got a refund (minus the restocking fee) and got Norton 360. I uninstalled both from my computer and Norton 360 installed perfectly. Thanks again for the help



I am glad you had success with your installation. I think you will be very happy with your Norton experience.  There are a lot of Norton benefits, one of which is this very active forum.


If you have any questions about usage, you can always return here to the forums to get help.


PS: If you occasionally want to double check things you can download the FREE version of Malwarebytes (I think I mentioned this to you before). The free version is passive and does not run until you tell it run a scan; it should not cause conflict with Norton. This is a very safe and unobtrusive program; unfortunately there are a lot of other spyware checkers out there which can wreak havoc with your system and should be avoided. If you choose to do so, wait a few days until you become familiar with all of the aspects of Norton.


Best Wishes



Message Edited by Phil_D on 08-07-2008 09:33 AM

I’d more than second PhilD’s recommendation of Malawarebyte but I’d just add that unless you use it as soon as you download it, click on the Update Now button on it before you run it since they update their definitions list frequently and the free version does not have automatic update – you have to do it manually but it does not take long.

My computer came up with a virus several days ago, I was trying to remove it with a copy of Mcafee I got from my work and I couldn’t get it off. I had no idea whether or not it was spyware or a virus, I couldn’t do things such as acess the internet, remove or add programs, boot windows automatically, Regestry Editor, etc. So I went out and bought both Spyware Doctor, incase of spyware, and Norton, incase it was a virus. Now because I had Mcafee, my computer wouldn’t let me install Norton, therefore I could only install Spyware Doctor. It got rid of it (thank god) and I was wondering if I should take Norton back. My friend had called me up telling me that he had removed a bad virus with Norton so I decided to play it safe and install it. Every time I try I get this error:A setup error has occured that requires a reboot. I have tried many times, still doesn’t work.

Also this is the log:


      ------- Preinstall Scan Results -------

Object not available: MACHINE\Software\Symantec\InstalledApps
Object not available: MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
Object not available: MACHINE\Software\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus
Object not available: MACHINE\Software\Symantec\Common Client

Access rights scan summary:
11 folders scanned.
12 registry entries scanned.

Error validating CCSettings WindowsException: The specified service has been marked for deletion.