Problem with Norton AntiSpam Outlook Plugin in NIS 2011?

I am starting a new thread for this one under a different heading hoping that perhaps a moderator or someone in touch with Symantec can sort this out please.


I did not realise that the Junk E-mail toolbar in Outlook 2007 is provided by the Norton AntiSpam Outlook Plugin.


This works as it should for the Norton Anti Spam Folder but with an item in the Junk E-mail folder "This is not Spam" and "Empty Spam Folder"  are greyed out and "This is Spam" is in black.  This is the wrong way round. Until recently there was not a problem and when deleting items from Outlook Junk E-mail I had the option to add to the Norton allowed list.


I thought this was a problem with the recent Windows updates but it isn't and as I updated to NIS 2011 at about the same time it must be an NIS problem.  Perhaps someone with access to the boffins at Symantec could report this for me please.

Thank you bjm.  I originally posted on 16th December asking someone to check their Norton AntiSpam  Toolbar but I didn't get any response so I have posted again under a different heading.


I have NIS 2011 (Just updated when all problems started) V. I have Win7 64 bit and absolutely no problems with NIS 2010. I wish I hadn't updated, there was no reason to.


Any help appreciated.

I am starting a new thread for this one under a different heading hoping that perhaps a moderator or someone in touch with Symantec can sort this out please.


I did not realise that the Junk E-mail toolbar in Outlook 2007 is provided by the Norton AntiSpam Outlook Plugin.


This works as it should for the Norton Anti Spam Folder but with an item in the Junk E-mail folder "This is not Spam" and "Empty Spam Folder"  are greyed out and "This is Spam" is in black.  This is the wrong way round. Until recently there was not a problem and when deleting items from Outlook Junk E-mail I had the option to add to the Norton allowed list.


I thought this was a problem with the recent Windows updates but it isn't and as I updated to NIS 2011 at about the same time it must be an NIS problem.  Perhaps someone with access to the boffins at Symantec could report this for me please.


Judesman wrote:

Thank you bjm.  I originally posted on 16th December asking someone to check their Norton AntiSpam  Toolbar but I didn't get any response so I have posted again under a different heading.


I have NIS 2011 (Just updated when all problems started) V. I have Win7 64 bit and absolutely no problems with NIS 2010. I wish I hadn't updated, there was no reason to.


Any help appreciated.


I read 18.5 was supposed to fix this.  

You Upgraded from 2010 directly to 2011 v 

Did you ever have NIS  or your Upgrade went from NIS10 directly to NIS11 v 18.5

Hello bjm. I am pretty sure that I upgraded to NIS and the update certainly rectified the Event 1530 Error.


I hadn't seen that post from Tim Lopez before and that is interesting. The Norton AntiSpam Folder is OK, it is the Outlook Junk Email  folder that is affected. Tim Lopez says if there are any questions to let him know on the Forums.  Perhaps he will pick up my thread.


Thanks bjm. 



Judesman wrote:

Hello bjm. I am pretty sure that I upgraded to NIS and the update certainly rectified the Event 1530 Error.


I hadn't seen that post from Tim Lopez before and that is interesting. The Norton AntiSpam Folder is OK, it is the Outlook Junk Email  folder that is affected. Tim Lopez says if there are any questions to let him know on the Forums.  Perhaps he will pick up my thread.


Thanks bjm. 



Hello Judesman

Sorry, that your Topic has dragged on for so long.

May I ask a few more question.

How did you upgrade from NIS10 to NIS11 18.1

Retail CD /  Update Center / ?

With 18.1 your Outlook Junk EMail Folder was OK

You first noticed Outlook Junk EMail Folder issue after update to 18.5

As I do not run a client based email account.  I am not able to visualize your issue.

As the issue is with your client based email account.   I presume you have checked Outlook Tools > Accounts > Properties  & Outlook Tools > Options > Advanced > Maintenance

Have you tried to disable Norton E-Mail Protection  > reboot > Enable Norton E-Mail Protection

Have you considered Remove your ISP account / Add your ISP account to refresh settings.

Please review Norton Help Center > Anti Spam > Client Integration

As you write ... Hopefully, Tim or a user familiar with client based email account will chime in.

Keep me informed and I'll reply. 

What happened to your other you have link for that Topic

Hello bjm.


Upgrade from the update centre ( I wish I hadn't)

No. Outlook Junk Email issue followed upgrade.

I am using Outlook 2007 and  I can not find Properties or Maintenance where you indicate. But I don't know what I would be looking for if I could fined it.

Yes I have re-enabled Email protection.

I wouldn't know how to remove and add my ISP Account.

I've reviewed Client Integration.


In one of the links you provided someone removed NIS 2011 and reinstated 2010 - problem solved. They re-instated 2011- probem back again. I think this is a Norton issue. This is the link to the original thread.


Thanks for your support.

Hello Judesman

I see your other Topic received little attention.   Sorry

We see that this Topic has received little attention.

Just between us :smileywink:  you wrote > I thought this was a problem with the recent Windows updates but it isn't and as I updated to NIS 2011 at about the same time it must be an NIS problem.

Perhaps an NIS update is/was corrupt.  When in comes to computers anything is possible.

Outlook 2007 Setup   sample not specific to your ISP

If we keep meeting like this people will start to talk :smileyvery-happy:

re > I wouldn't know how to remove and add my ISP Account.

       Someone had to setup Outlook ?  Perhaps the Wizard did it.

Maybe this go around ~ Community will chime in

Thank you for your patience

Hi bjm.  Well I am glad you are talking because nobody else is!:smileyvery-happy:


I am not much of a techie and Outlook was set up for me so thanks for another helpful link.


Another link you provided points to a thread where it is suggested that there was a problem with AntiSpam being greyed out in the update. I have the problem in the Junk Email box and I think the two are linked. Come on Symantec!


Thanks bjm.

Hello again Judesman

Again, I am sorry both your Topics have been open for so long. 

Did you see my PM sent to you



Hi Judesman:


For this type of problem, the forum really can't do the same job as support.  When you don't get much of an answer here, it generally means that no one else is having the same problem.  It could mean that the particular issue on your machine is systemic, in that there is something different causing the continuation.  In your first thread, you advised that you "deleted" the MS updates rather than "uninstalling"  them as per the instructions.


While some of the Symantec employees also volunteer on the forum, there is nothing to guarantee that any one of them will be here on a regular basis.  There are so many departments, as well, that one employee may not have any information about another department.


Support might be your better option.  If you don't get information required on one thread, the situation is not likely to change due to a new thread on the same subject.

I have seen your PMs now. Many thanks bjm.

Hello Delphinium. Thanks for your help, I will contact support.


I uninstalled the MS updates, sorry wrong word.


I started a new thread because I thought a different title might attract a solution.


bjm has been very helpful on this and one of his linked threads suggests that my problem is known to Symantec.


I have used Norton for eight years and I have usually found that I get more help from the forum but I will now try Support.


Thanks again.

Hi Judesman:


There is something that you can try.  You will need to uninstall Norton, after saving your login data, delete the Norton Antispam folder, and then reinstall Norton.  It should then put the spam in the junk folder which is controlled by Outlook.  There must not be an antispam folder in Outlook, or Norton will pick it up again.  Same issue.

Hi Delphinium,


I am not much of a techie so I need some clarification here please.


If I uninstall NIS 2011 do I use the Norton Removal Tool and if I do how will Norton know that I have a live subscription. I don't know what you mean by saving login data, how do I do that please? You say to delete the Norton AntiSpam Folder, how do I do that and anyway that works fine the problem is with the Outlook Junk Email Folder? How do I reinstall Norton if there is no trace of NIS on my computer? You say there must not be an antispam folder in Outlook but surely that is one of the NIS facilities and should be part of the prog?


There are too many questions here to expect you to answer. What if I remove NIS using the Removal Tool and reinstall NIS 2010 using the CD that I have?  NIS 2010 worked fine and I wish I had never updated!


I appreciate your help but I might just leave it as it is and drag and drop items in Junk Email into the Inbox if appropriate.


Thanks for your input. 

Hi Judesman:


I'm sorry for the delay.  I am at work today after the holidays, and it's a bit of a mess.


Firstly, I think you can get away with just using add/remove in the control panel.  The removal tool can do some unexpected things.


Secondly, Norton always knows if you have an active subscription.  Your key is contained in a Symantec file in your documents, as well as in your MyNorton Account.  I have removed and reinstalled mine for various reasons and usually I just have to click on Support>subscription status and it picks it up by itself.


From what I understand, if you had installed a new version, rather than updating to the 2011 version, there would not have been a Norton Antispam folder.  Norton would have used the junk folder, which should have left the ability to add or remove junk from it.  It is having both folders that may be confusing the process.


If you wanted to remove Norton using the tool and start fresh, you can, but I would still remove from the control panel first to eliminate other possible problems.


Outlook has its own junk and antispam function that might still affect things even if it is disabled.  That is adding to the issue. 


This information is on the advice of an Outlook user.  Personally, I greatly preferThunderbird, which has its own very effective antispam utility.  I have to admit to having Norton antispam turned off. :smileysad:


Either way you decide to go with this is not a great risk to your machine.   I would still recommend deleting the antispam folder in Outlook as Norton will choose to use it again on reinstall and you will be no further ahead. 


Let us know how it goes, or what you decide to do.

Hi Delphinium.


First of all I really appreciate your time on this, thanks.


delphinium wrote


From what I understand, if you had installed a new version, rather than updating to the 2011 version, there would not have been a Norton Antispam folder.  Norton would have used the junk folder, which should have left the ability to add or remove junk from it.  It is having both folders that may be confusing the process.



That is interesting, so if I bought NIS 2011 on a CD, uninstalled the update and reinstalled from the CD then there would not be an AntiSpam Folder just the Outlook junk folder?


I used Outlook at work and so I am familiar with it, that is why I use it.


As I see it the problem with deleting the Norton AntiSpam folder is that then there will be no way of adding emails to the Norton allowed list. At present I can drag and drop fron Junk Email into AntiSpam and then add to the allowed list which isn't really much of an issue.


I am afraid that I have turned a trivial problem into a major issue and I am wasting a lot of good peoples time. Initially I thought that if I posted someone would say that it is a known issue and that it would be resolved by an update.


Before I try this, you are suggesting 1. Delete the Norton AntiSpam Folder. 2. Remove NIS 2011 in Control Panel. 3. Download NIS 2011 from Norton web site and Symantec will know I have a subscription. Is that the order of things?


I am very reluctant to play around with this anymore but thank you very much and I will give it some thought.









I gather that there is anew version of the NIS 18.5 update.  I have the old version of 18.5 should I download the new version hoping that this might deal with my problem?

It's always good to have the updated versions.  It will not fix the problem, however.  Sorry. :smileysad:

Thanks delphinium.