Yesterday I tried to remove one of the "seats" I have on NS (the hard drive has crashed and I am removing it and will later be replacing it with a new one on which I will then install a "seat" of NS).
I when into my Norton Account from one of the remaining "seats" and ran "Remove Product" for the seat I need to remove. I had four "seats" used and am trying to reduce this to three.
The result then and now, almost a full day later, is:
Under the "Devices" tab - All four seats still show with the one I am trying to remove still showing "uninstalling" with the revolving icon.
Under "Home" tab - All four seats are still showing as installed.
Under the "Services" tab - Only "three" seats are showing as installed. These are the three which should remain installed.
After an hour with Chat Support yesterday the only answer was that it will take time for the removal to show in my Account.
Any suggestions on what I can do now?