Problem with Time Machine



I have recently downloaded Norton Antivirus 11.1.2. I went to do a backup using Time Machine (last done before I downloaded Anti Virus). It is doing a complete backup, my disk is spinning and my computer is so hot.


On doing a search of the web I realise this is from a conflict with Norton Anti-Virus. Thanks for warning Symantec - Not. 


In plain language with no links to complex technical documents can somebody please help me!!! How do I get the two to work together and Time Machine to just go back to saving only documents I have changed.


I am about to submit a PhD and this is very distressing. My computer is now so hot!


Thank you in advance.

There were some past issues with Time Machine, but you have the latest version of NAV and this particular symptom is unfamiliar.  How is Time Machine configured, are you using a firewire or USB drive as your backup?  One thing you could try is disabling AutoProtect while the backup is occurring (you can do this from the black-and-yellow menu at the right of your menu bar).


Maybe you can include a link to where you read about the conflict, so I can try to confirm.