Problem with Windows 8 UI Apps



After installing Norton 360 (60 days trial) the Windows 8 UI apps don't run just closing.Norton Studio its working but Mail,Peaople and other apps don't run.


I have installed Norton 360 an Windows 8 x64 90 days trial.


I am the same user but I logged in with facebook account :D


Windows Defender is turned off.


The version is:

There are two updates for Norton 360 (v20.1.1.2 and v20.2.0.19). Please run Live Update until you get no other updates to get one of these version (20.2 is at the moment not on the servers, but the other one should be installed). They include several patches that can solve your issues on Windows 8.



After installing Norton 360 (60 days trial) the Windows 8 UI apps don't run just closing.Norton Studio its working but Mail,Peaople and other apps don't run.


I have installed Norton 360 an Windows 8 x64 90 days trial.