problems about anti spam email with norton

Hello everybody.

About a month or so ago, I had a problem with Norton's AntiSpam letting through a LOT of spam emails...after a couple of weeks of trying things suggested on this forum, I noticed that spam emails were not being marked with the [Norton AntiSpam] message and were not being moved to the Junk Mail folder...The 'fix' that seemed to work was to disable AntiSpam in N360, remove the AntiSpam COM add-on from Outlook, reboot, re-enable AntiSpam and re-enable client integration with Outlook.

Well, yesterday, it started missing spams again, and sure-enough, they were not being marked with the [Norton AntiSpam] tag.

I tried my 'fix' again, and it started working again--for almost 2 hours :( it's stopped marking/moving spams again!

Can anyone please suggest what might be going on, and more importantly, how to stop my AntiSpam from failing!
