Problems after removing 360 free trial that came with new PC

I recently purchased a custom build PC that came pre-installed with Norton 360 which was not included as an option in the build request. I knew I wouldn't be keeping it after the trial expired, so decided to remove it with 69 days remaining.

Removing it resulted in Firefox no longer being configured as my default browser, and no attempt to set it as default would work - the same thing happened with Edge, it also could not be set as the default browser, my only option was to uninstal and reinstall Firefox (I'm not that concerned about Edge).

I also find that media files, e.g. avi, mp4, webm etc, will no longer play with Windows Media Player, which returns the error dialogue stating "No such interface supported" - I haven't tried to remedy this yet.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced similar, and whether I should expect further problems?

Thanks for any advice.

If you didn't reinstall another 3rd party antivirus Windows Defender will then, take over the protection of the computer. At that point Windows Firewall would become the issue. If Windows 11 isn't updated to the latest build that could also be a part of the issue. Are you on the latest build? This also a concern as to where Norton that came installed was purchased. Was it legit is my postulation. When I do builds I NEVER include software that the customer has not requested for obvious personal and legal reasons. 

I recently purchased a custom build PC that came pre-installed with Norton 360 which was not included as an option in the build request. 

Also, the "preferred" removal method for Norton products is using the removal tool, vice add or remove programs, then manually removed any remnants. Norton doesn't do a great job of cleanup when the tool has finished. 



seems to me the issue isnt norton or only norton related ( whichever is correct)
the removal tool will assist better in its removal, not sure how you did it

The issues only arose after uninstalling Norton 360 using 'Add or remove programs' from the Windows control panel, which is, I believe, the correct procedure to remove any program/app. 


if you enabled the norton extension ( add ons) that may be the issue here, if so may want to look if still in add ons or extentions in firefox or edge

if you didnt add those ( get prompts to install after installing or activating)

could be browser issue

I did not enable/install any Norton related add-ons/extensions for either of the browsers.


not sure why the media files would be affected

I believe the removal of Norton 360 caused a disassociation between file extensions and their associated apps.

This is what I have discovered so far.

  1. Media Player would not open video files.
  2. Microsoft Photos would not open image files.
  3. Notepad would not open .txt, .bat and other text only files.

I've managed to fix the above using the Reset/Repair options found in 'Add or remove programs'  - goodness knows what other problems I'll encounter.

seems to me the issue isnt norton or only norton related ( whichever is correct)

the removal tool will assist better in its removal, not sure how you did it

if you enabled the norton extension ( add ons) that may be the issue here, if so may want to look if still in add ons or extentions in firefox or edge

if you didnt add those ( get prompts to install after installing or activating)

could be browser issue

not sure why the media files would be affected

OK, ran the removal tool, allowed the PC to reboot, removed all trace of Norton folders and rebooted, but this has made no difference regarding the media files issue, so I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling Media Player.

Hello. Run the removal tool and allow it to find anything leftover. When done search your boot drive for any folders labeled as Norton and manually remove them. Reboot.

Windows :