I recently installed Windows 11 23H2 Update. Afterwards, MS Edge, Google Chrome, and Co-Pilot 'Pre' would launch and then immediately close. I posted on Microsoft Community and one fellow responded that he had seen this and it usually was caused by Norton extensions installed on the browser. I deleted all extensions on both browsers, and now both launch without problem, they have retained all data (history, cookies, etc.) from before and Co-Pilot 'Pre' works without problems (suspect it may somehow be integrated with MS Edge). Has anyone reported these types of problems to Norton?
I ended up having to create a new windows profile so that I could open the Brave browser and download Edge again through that. With antitrack running Edge would just crash mid launch. Anti-track is not fit for purpose as with it running you can’t access OneDrive online.
pawinda8:I deleted all extensions on both browsers, and now both launch without problem, [...] Has anyone reported these types of problems to Norton?
Please, which extensions?