Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Hoping to get some help!
Earlier this evening LiveUpdate ran, everything was working fine beforehand. After the update had finished and I had rebooted the PC, I found that Internet Explorer no longer worked. My internet connection is fine - I am connected and can use Opera with no problems. When I open Internet Explorer I get the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message, no matter which website I try to access.
I have tried the following so far:
- Turned all NIS security and firewall settings to 'Off' (I cannot use the configure option as I get the following message "The options interface could not be initialized. One or more of the Symantec services may not be running. Please restart your computer and try again"
- Cleared IE temporary internet files and cookies
- Rebooted PC
- Removed Internet Explorer and reinstalled (with NIS disabled)
- I have also tried downloading Firefox 3 but having the exact same problem with that
I have not yet removed and reinstalled NIS, it's well past 2am now and I just thought I'd ask for help from the experts before tackling the problem with renewed energy in the morning!
I am running:
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 7
NIS 2008
I do not have any other firewalls
Many thanks, I'd be really grateful for some assistance, fiddling with the computer was not the way I'd planned to spend my Sunday afternoon!
Very nice specification, thank you very much.
Do you ahve any other security software installed that could interfere?
OK, my husband now informs me that LiveUpdate gave him an error message last night which probably explains why things are now not working! Unfortantely he didn't save a jpg of the error dialogue box.
I don't have any other security products besides NIS
I cannot download the Norton Removal Tool because this site does not seem to want to co-operate with Opera, and IE is completely unusable. I have tried a c+p of the download button destination into the Opera address bar, but just get a message saying "FTP Server Too Busy".
I have tried to Uninstall NIS using the uninstaller, but get a message saying "The uninstallation encountered an error and was unable to remove the application. Click here to go to technical support 9999,172" I cannot 'click here' because it needs IE to take me to technical support.
If I remove NIS through Settings>Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs, are there any other files or directories I need to remove manually before reinstalling?
Oh and NIS is now non-functional after the unsuccessfull uninstall, so it needs to be removed and reinstalled before I can do anything else!
This tool doesn't work through Opera? Norton Removal Tool
Try installing the firefox browser. Than it will work
No it doesn't work. Even when I set Opera to emulate IE when I click the download button I just get a message telling me that the FTP server is too busy.
Firefox is having the same problem as IE, I can't use it at all.
I managed to fix the problem.
I had another Norton user send the Norton Removal Tool installation file to a web-based e-mail account that I knew worked with Opera and downloaded it from there. I have now re-installed NIS and everything appears to be working as it was.
Many thanks for your assistance.
Move to its own thread for better exposure.
Greetings. I was happy to find this thread today after searching google for symantec "the options interface could not be initialized". My problem is only slightly different in that I'm using Windows XP Home edition with SP 3 and IE 6 rather than IE 7 as has been reported previously here. Same symptoms though. IE has ceased working and I have no other browser installed on the box. I have an internet connection though proved by NIS 2008 successfully running LIve Update. I also have the same symptoms of both incoming and outgoing mail options showing they need to be fixed, when I try to do so though it resets them to not working. When I try to check the firewall options as instructed by IE I get the error message about options interface. I've tried connecting to live support, but that fails and shuts down NIS.
Any ideas or should I proceed with the removal tool and reinstall? My NIS 2008 was just installed new ~10 days ago and the warning about losing the remaining 355 days of my subscription is a concern.
For one you should be using IE 7 for security reasons. Secondly you will not loose your subscription cause that is kept in a data base using your serial number provided with your purchase. Third you should be using NIS 2009 and not 2008. You can upgrade for free. Fourth is best not to use IE at all. Firefox is a better and safer choice for browsing.
Thanks for your reply. How does one go about taking advantage of the free upgrade to NIS 2009 from 2008? I bought this software a few months ago and just recently installed it when my prior subscription expired.
You can simply uninstall NIS 2008 and install NIS 2009 using your current license. Also see this link.
Hi, I didn't see that anyone responded to you but I did the removal tool and then reinstalled my nortons. If you registered your Nortons online then you will just need to log in when it asks for your information. I own the disc not a download version of 2008 NIS so I am not sure what you will do if you have a downloaded version. If you still have problems with the email configuring then go to Nortons and email them about it. They sent me the information on the changes to try to the Reg. I thought I would try spilling coffee in my key board first and that fixed it. That was one of those female high tech moves.
hope this works for you.
Thanks everybody for your responses. I was able to successfully uninstall NIS2008, install/upgrade to NIS2009 and my browser is now functional again. Best of all, my subscription is still a-ok too. Appreciate all your help.
You can use Norton Removal Tool to remove NIS completely then reinstall it manually. Then update NIS with all available updates.
Now see if NIS works correctly and if Internet Explorer can open web pages. If IE is still NOT working, try using its "Reset" button in Advanced Options.