I installed the 19 Microsoft updates last night, sat back & waited for the problems that always seem to happen after these blasted updates. When the installation finished, up popped the message 'please restart' - that's when I saw that my bottom task bar had disappeared. In the end, I had to power down as there was no other way to restart.
Now my laptop is very slow, IE in particular. Clicking on Vault closed, it takes 30 seconds to get the log-on screen and another 30 seconds to open the Vault.
The CP usage is hovering between 90% & 95% yet Task Manager shows that the active programs are using no more than 15%. Does this mean that it's background programs taking up the CPU? Is there anyway to check what background programs are running and the CPUs?
Now Chrome is totally unresponsive - even though I've restated twice.
My 'PC Technical' folder has disappeared from my Favourites.
And now, as I type this notepad, the notepad I started with is still displayed i.e. there's more than one notepad on screen - but the items showing are all unresponsive. Two screen prints that might explain.
[The above is Chrome.]
It can't be just me can it?