I have been trying without success to get my site verified. I have been using the meta tag method and have placed it as instructed but it keeps failing. Can you help please. My site is thewallingtongallery.co.uk on a shopify platform.
Hi Balger,
Welcome to norton forum.
Our database shows that 'thewallingtongallery.co.uk' has already been verified by a user "The Wallington Gallery" with email address "enquiries@thewallingtongallery.co.uk", can you please confirm me that above user/email belong to your company?
Hi Rajesh,
Yes I can confirm that the user/email is is part of the company.
Hi balger,
Can you login with the username : "The Wallington Gallery" to safeweb.norton.com & check your site verification status?
I have been trying without success to get my site verified. I have been using the meta tag method and have placed it as instructed but it keeps failing. Can you help please. My site is thewallingtongallery.co.uk on a shopify platform.