Product Update - 19.7.1 for Norton Internet Security 2012 and Norton AntiVirus 2012

Dear Norton Community,


We are glad to announce that we have completed testing our latest inline release of Norton Internet Security 2012 and Norton AntiVirus 2012 and we are ready to release the patch for English users.


To receive the update, simply run LiveUpdate and download the update. A reboot will be required.


To verify you have the update, launch the Main User Interface, click on Support, and select About. The version number of the new release for Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus will be


NIS update.jpg


The FAQ below tries to answer some common questions:


1. What is the version number for this patch?


The version number is (2012)


Please note that all Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus customers with a valid subscription will receive this update for free. Not using the Norton 2012 products? See if you qualify for a FREE update to the 2012 products by visiting the Norton Update Center.


2. When will I receive the patch?


This update is currently available through LiveUpdate. If you have not received the patch, please restart your system and run LiveUpdate manually.


3. How can I manually install the patch?


This update is currently available through LiveUpdate. You can also visit the Norton Update Center to download and install version


4. What are the changes in this release?


19.7.1 contains changes that help with forward compatibility with certain product services. This patch also contains fixes from the previous patch. Some of those changes included:


- Corrected the Google Chrome-specific issue where Norton Toolbar does not load when Google Instant is ON (link)
- Corrected the issue where customer is logged out of IDS despite setting a log out time of 15 mins (link)
- Better handling of login sites where username / password span multiple inputs
- Corrected an issue where the Password field was getting saved with "Password" string instead of customer input
- Corrected the issue where All logins listed in toolbar didn’t get refreshed unless the open browser session was restarted
- Corrected the issue where it was unable to change Identity Safe password
- Long passwords are accepted in recent Online Vault UI (link)
- Corrected the issue where customers remain logged into Norton Account even though they had unchecked Remember Password option from Create New Norton Account UI
- Corrected the issue where customers were not prompted to fill the card details using the saved data in IDsafe in My Account page (link)
- Corrected the issue where customer’s login got filled in the Edit Phone Numbers page in
- Corrected the issue where Last Submitted Login got autofilled when trying to overwrite the filled login (link)
- Corrected the issue where Update Password infobar does not appear when password is attempted to change for a saved login


If you have any questions, feel free to let us know on the forums!  



Gayathri Rajendiran
Norton Forums Administrator
Symantec Corporation

Hi everyone,


We've just released Norton Internet Security This update fixes a few toolbar issues, including the autofill issue seen with As this patch contains fixes for the Norton Toolbar, and Norton AntiVirus does not include the Norton Toolbar, Norton AntiVirus will not be updated to


To receive the update, simply run LiveUpdate and download the update. A reboot will be required. To verify you have the update, launch the Main User Interface, click on Support, and select About.