Since the product update yesterday today Live Update fails to even download certain Live Updates, Never had that problem before,,,,,,,,,,,Gorpy1
I am getting the same error - for some reason the live updates fail to all down load - previously they all downloaded only failing at the time of installation.
Newfan wrote:I am getting the same error - for some reason the live updates fail to all down load - previously they all downloaded only failing at the time of installation.
Hi Newfan, you didn't happen to get a product update did you?( Whatever) Tony from Norton says the Product update is fine and only a partial update, This seems to be a new glitch I guess Will keep trying or just try again later today for LU's....My best.Gorpy1
GORPY1 wrote:Since the product update yesterday today Live Update fails to even download certain Live Updates, Never had that problem before,,,,,,,,,,,Gorpy1
Same problem here in Italy. It's the first time for me!
I cannot receive the latest NIS 2012 product update on my second computer, received it yesterday on the first, but when I run LU on the second it doesn't appear in the LU summary.
Try it again!
Apostolos wrote:Hi GORPY1,
I cannot receive the latest NIS 2012 product update on my second computer, received it yesterday on the first, but when I run LU on the second it doesn't appear in the LU summary.
Hello Apostolos
You will probably get the whole update when the rest of the update is released. When the new update is release, there will be a notice on top and new updates are usually in a phased in manner.
Hello the rest of you.
I'm pretty sure that the partial product update that came out yesterday doesn't have anything to do with the problem of getting live updates now. I got that partial update yesterday afternoon and got live updates all night and this morning without a problem. This live update occurs occasionally . You are still being protected as the pulse updates are still coming thru.. You can try running live update and perhaps some of the updates will come thru and process ok. Some of mine came thru that way. Give it some time and then you can try to run live update again later or wait for it to fix itself. Thanks.
@ floplot,
Thank you very much for your advice, greatly appreciated!!
You have probably right.
Best regards,
Hi floplot I think they may have pulled the LU"s that wouldn't download since I ran Live update and got a pulse update only and I know the partial productl update has nothing to do with it........My best.......Gorpy 1
They (LU'S) finally came through in Auto Updates and I just commented in the It's happening again (LU) thread how much better LU"S have been lately........Thanks.....Gorpy1
Hi there.
Forgive my ignorance but what product update are you speaking about?
I don't see any announcement. Kindly clarify for me what you are posting.
Atomic_Blast :)
Atomic_Blast wrote:Hi there.
Forgive my ignorance but what product update are you speaking about?
I don't see any announcement. Kindly clarify for me what you are posting.
Atomic_Blast :)
Where have you been all day? Once you catch up on your reading you'll see it was a very busy day and will continue. Basically, the "partial update sent last night" caused some ID Safe cloud problems and this afternoon we were back to the LU's not always installing - of course this afternoon they were not even downloading.
Hope that semi catches you up.
Thanks Yank.....You seem to explain it as clearly as possible....Appreciate it....Gorpy1
Hi Yank,
I found an announcement under the 360 thread. Is this it?
Atomic_Blast :)
Atomic_Blast wrote:Hi Yank,
I found an announcement under the 360 thread. Is this it?
Atomic_Blast :)
No, that's another situation.
Look at your LU History. Mine occured around 1600 Central Standard Time (US) yesterday where I got product Update that required a reboot. That is the LU folks are talking about. There was no announcement since it was not an update that changed the version number.
I am sorry if I am not being very lcear - but I'm trying to pass info on to you.
Hi Yank:
Thanks for the heads-up!
Fortunately, I'm not having a problem with NIS 2012 on my XP and 7 boxes.
No reboot required - yet.
Maybe I'm lucky.
Atomic_Blast :)
A Partial Product Update was released yesterday and if you see my post about the Partial Update (shown as Solved) Tony from Symantec assured me it will not make any difference in the way NIS 2012 Version works and the remainder of the update will be posted on the forum when released and complete the product update........Thanks.......Gorpy1