Production steadily declining since start of mining

Just sharing information and hoping for a comment from Gayathri.

I have attached a spreadsheet of my production since the beginning of August. I was pretty enthused in the beginning, but the production rate has been steadily declining. At $+1.00/day, this make sense for me. Under that, I have to doubt it is worth the wear and tear on my system. In an effort to boost production, I have even begun rebooting my system at the end of the work day and killing off everything accessing the GPU except ncrypt. I am still seeing declining production. I would appreciate some comment re this experience and what the future intent is as well as something setting expectations if possible. Thanks for your consideration and responsiveness to the community these first eight weeks or so.

Hey, Gayathri. Our comments in this thread are not about payout but have to do with the ETH produced each day dropping dramatically, in my case, from an average of $1.11 per day to $0.50 per day. Is there a reason for the huge drop? Is this because more people are joining the pool, or it is getting harder to win a coin, or is there a problem, or??? Just bringing to your attention that production rates have fallen off a cliff and asking if there is an explanation? Absolutely nothing has changed on my end since I began rebooting my system each night when turning the system loose to mine. Thanks for all you and your team are doing. This has been a great learning tool, and I would like to beef things up to make more money for all of us if it makes sense to do so, but a 55% drop in production with the same system under the same conditions calls the prospect into question.

Same here, I didn't get any payout since 09/09 :(

Thank you for posting on the Norton Community. When you get a chance, could you please take a look at this post: Pending payout not accumulating ?


Updated data. Production continues to decline. Gayathri, do we know why this is happening?


Since my payout on September 22, 2021, 2:17:38 PM MST and then the subsequent mining being stuck or frozen after that payout.. I did a live update and that seemed to fix the stuck problem, but the mining has slowed to a glacial crawl since that point. I've never seen the number this small or move this slowly.

I have been running my machine for mining fairly non-stop since that payout and this is nothing like what I had been seeing previously.