Program stops responding foe a few seconds

Recently I have noticed that what ever application I am in, often it stops
responding for a few seconds and then it starts responding. I am operating
Vista Home Premium 32bt. and have Norton Internet Security 2010 running. No
other programs running at startup except sidebar.
I appreciate help on this matter. I have run full NIS scan, full
Malwarebytes, and full tune up in system mechanics 9.
I posted this in the vista new group and below were the responses.

I need to ensure that NIS2010 is the culprit on this issue.


You may want to consider doing away with your Norton Internet Security
2010.  The native applications ought to more than satisfy your needs.
If you absolutely insist, there are better alternatives available.


There's not really much to go on here.  Have you watched the Task
Manager to see what else is happening during the pauses?  Though, if I
had to guess, I'd suspect the Norton bloat-ware of bogging the system
down, and there's also a fair chance that the use of a snake oil product
like System Mechanic caused some sort of damage.


You seem to be answering your own problem with your own solutions?  Oh wait, I see, those last two answers are ones you got in a VISTA forum.


Please add a few details like how much RAM you have and what applications show this behavour?


There are users here who are experienced in tracing what is running using tools other than Task Manager.

Message Edited by huwyngr on 11-21-2009 07:13 PM

The last two paragraphs are the response received from vista community. It is not my own answers. May be I should have quoted them. Secondly, I have 4 gigs of RAM on my system. Thirdly, it happens in almost all programs. I often notice this in Windows Mail though I have also experienced the problem in Nero, Word and Excell 2007.

I hope this answers all your questions.


I am eager to hear from the experienced users in tracing what is running tools other than Task Manager. Let me clearify that Syatem Mechanics and Malwarebytes are not running all the times. I manually run them once in a while.





You will have a lot more happening at startup than you might expect.  If you go to start>run>msconfig>startup, you will find a list of things that run at start.  If you click on the "services" tab, it will tell you what is running in your machine.  You can close ome unnecessary programs in the startup tab but I don't recommend changes in the services.


You don't say if this hesitation occurs just as you start up a program, or while you are working in a program.  If you have recently made changes to your system via System Mechanice, running a defragmentation may help sort out scattered files and make the response faster.


If you have any kind of a background incremental backup program running, that can also affect what you are doing as that is saved.  If you have Internet Explorer 8, you may also have a search indexer running.  As you can see, more information would help us to answer your question.


It seems unlikely to me that NIS has much to with the problem.  You can check in NIS history to see if anything shows up in your log, that might be delayed by accessing the internet.  NIS2010 is very light on the system, mine is using between 1 and 5% of system resources.  


If you open your Norton screen, you can view how much of the system resources are used by the system and by Norton.

Thanks -- I was confused when first I read it since it sounded like some messages we get here where the post is an excuse to knock Norton rather than to get help! That's why I immediately came back in and edited what I had said.


As you can see Delphinium has already come in with some comments.


Once NIS has done a full system scan it should be less intrusive I find.


It may be helpful to force a Norton Insight Application Ratings to reduce the number of files that need to be scanned, and if it is being intrusive when you really have to get something done I often open the NIS main screen, select Norton Tasks over at the left and set Silent Mode to ON for a long enough period to cover what I want to do.


And perhaps you should check to see that Early Load is OFF since that could slow down start up of Windows itself.

The problem occurs when I am working in a program and not at startup. For example, I am typing email, it stops and the upper task bar shows windows mail stopped responding. After a few seconds it atarts working.


I have viewed startups in msconfig and found the following:

Programs - Simply Accounting system database, MSS & one touch by maxator (cordless keyboard and mouse ), HD audio.


Services - after hiding Microsoft services, only Norton is enabled. However, Iolo system mechanics services are running even when disabled.


As for IE8 search indexer, I can't find this services anywhere and can not say if it is running. Background incremental Backup - the backup is disabled. I only backup to my external seagate drive manually which is only connected when backing up.


Please advise me on how to find and tackle search indexer and incremental backup issues.


NIS2010 early load is on.


On second response, I say that I have run full scan in norton twice in the last 3 days. Systems Mechanic performed defrag task two nights ago.

Message Edited by noormotani on 11-21-2009 07:46 PM

I have to say that when I read the subject title, I knew immediately you were using Vista. I had these issues under Vista and they drove me to disappear. The problem seemed to be Vista and there was nothing I could do about it. So I changed operating system. BTW at that time I had built the most efficient optimised Vista PC available so it was not a question of resources. However, by all means take a look at what is going on under the hood. Search out (google)  Autoruns and download only from Microsoft here.

Thank you for the tip. I ran autorun and there were several programs/services were on auto run. As I am not familiar with them, I just let it sit. May be you can tell me the essential services to keep and remove the rest of them. Thanks again. Vista is nothing but a pain in the neck.

You are in good hands here with the others and I'd certainly suggest going to WIN 7 if you possibly can!


In you message you list the following as running from Start Up and here are a few comments but made without knowledge of any special circumstances you may have that require them to run:


Programs -


Simply Accounting system database,  -- I don't see why this needs to run from the start ?


MSS -- Not sure what this is -- the acronyms website is baffling in possibilities including the Chinese Interlligence Services <g> 


one touch by maxator (cordless keyboard and mouse ) --  Are these meant to be related? I thought Maxtor OneTouch was related to their (or Seagate) external hard drives


HD audio. -- again does it have to be on at startup?


Not sure that all of them would have any massive effect on resources however -- Autoruns will tell you a lot.


I would disable Norton Early Load in the Settings in NIS 2010 -- Norton always does some checking during loading but this additional check is I understand more for special circumstances or especially risky / critical conditions?


System Mechanic (and other utilities) is not running in the background is it?


Hope that helps.

Hi cgoldman  et al

re> I knew immediately you were using Vista.

           just my 2 cents

On my Vista box I disabled Superfetch when I read M$ would be removing or reworking Superfetch in Win7 to be less intrusive because of Superfetch problems in Vista.   M$ admitted Superfetch in Vista was too aggressively anticipating the user's next move - fetching and refetching and etc.   One article offered Superfetch would be dropped in Win7...another article offered reworked.   As, I still have my Vista box not sure about status of Superfetch in Win7.  My Vista box feels better with Superfetch disabled.  Probably, totally unrelated to Noor's issue.  When I read the subject title I thought " heat " .  I'm not tech savvy... when I experienced what Noor is describing on my XP box ... the " fix " for me was a can of compressed air.  Had no idea my cat was storing fur balls in my box. ;-)  My nod is the iolo app.  Tried it - dumped it.  My Vista box also feels better with 'blackviper' safe settings with an extra tweaked.   


just my 2 cents


Message Edited by bjm_ on 11-22-2009 01:27 PM


noormotani wrote:
May be you can tell me the essential services to keep and remove the rest of them.


Hi noormotani,


The best source of information on Windows services is  There you will find explanations of what each service does and which ones can be safely disabled.  It is interesting to browse the site, even if you do not tweak your system.


Its not something I can set out easily, the determination of what to turn off and what to leave is simply experience.

However, I suggest after the scan, you go to options and  "hide microsoft entries", then F5. Next goto "Logon" tab.

If you untick an item it will not install on next reboot, but you can easily retick the entry. Unticking an item does not delete the item but simply move it to a secure area, so it is easy to use some trial and error. Take a system restore, or use a registrry backup program if you want more security.


Once you are satisifed with Logon, head to services after that.


Looking through msconfig in services, after hiding microsoft services, there are only two services running. one is Norton and another one simply accounting connection manager. this simply is a small database that activate accounting data. If this services is disabled, I will not be able to access my accounting data. Data is excessed through this connection file. The services noted are in the startup services. I notice that some services were set on manual and it still is running in startup services even though the box is not checked.

Is this what you were saying. Or I can go to services through administrative services in control panel and disable the services. I am not sure I understood you well. As you said after the scan, does it mean I have to perform this task within Norton?



Message Edited by noormotani on 11-22-2009 04:20 PM

Hi noormotani


noormotani wrote:

Recently I have noticed that what ever application I am in, often it stops responding for a few seconds and then it starts responding.



MED2000 wrote:

This background scanning, I believe is slowing my machines down.  Sometimes the system hangs and it seems frozen.  I want this background scanning turned off.  I will do my own scanning.  According to the Symantec support staff, if you turn off 'Sonar' it turns off the background scanning.  It seems to work on XP but not on Vista machines.  How does one turn that off?



Noor maybe your issue is not with system resources.  Maybe you experiencing what another user is....

just my 2 cents ....Please review earlier replies from delphinium and huwyngr.  Maybe you would be better served by understanding your Norton product which may require a settling in period.   Your attempts to tweak a system that should be more than adequate to handle NIS10 may not be necessary.  just my 2 cents  

Your iolo product runs background tasks as does NIS.  Have you tried to disable iolo for a few days ...just to see if that helps.  iolo may be optimizing with a built in defrag app conflicting with NIS optimization which uses Vista defrag.   This will cause issues.  Just one possible example.   I presume your iolo is not the Pro version.  I hope it's not.  just my 2 cents.  


just my 2 cents




I agree with you. It makes sense. I will disable the Iolo services through services in admin support through control panel. I will see how it reacts. Also, I am working on settings as suggested in black viper. It gives you good insight of services running. I will also contact Iolo support on this issue and see what they sugest.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Noor,

thanks for posting back...

If you read my earlier message in this thread...I mentioned I follow "blackviper" safe settings etc.  I also mentioned I disabled Superfetch.  My box just feels better without Superfetch. Try one "safe" setting at a time and see how it feels.  When you click on a service from the list at "blackviper" an expanded info window opens.  Read the Remote Registry info.  Great reference site ... I have a print out within arms reach.  Just my opinion based on 4G RAM that your box is about a year old.  My Vista box is 18 months old and 3G was the norm.  Shortly after though, I started seeing Vista 32bit 4G.  Just my 2 cents on all of this...not a techie.  I have no way of knowing your setup... If you can quiet iolo for a few days... and see.  You may have all iolo set to manual. IDK and IDK if iolo runs Vista defrag.  I am just imagining a perfect storm scenario..Vista defrag scheduled running background. NIS optimize running background and maybe iolo is running some scheduled event background,  Other users have disabled NIS optimize after it runs the initial default run because all it does is call up Vista defrag.  Some users have a third party app.  So, just one example of too many cooks in the kitchen.    My 2 cents is that your box has more than adequate resources to run without straining.  If you had a clean NIS install....if it were me I would look at what else is going on... heat and dust can strain your box.  Well, I stop rambling and let you get to it... open to PM if you care to.

just my $.02