my dad planning to buy a com + a additional nis 2009 for me…i know that inside the com, there is kaspersky preloaded…ok…if i buy the com…
should the steps be like this…
1st -> with no internet…uninstall kaspersky in control panel
2nd -> take out the norton 2009 and install it…
3rd -> when its done…plug in and do live update immediately…( oh…is my com vulnerable during the 30 - 1 min sec of live update and plugin )
4th -> install all microsoft updates and i’m ready to go
And yea…the com i am buying only has the CPU … i gonna use my old old OLD com’s monitor…speaker…keyboard AND mouse…
if i remember old com…has like TONS of viruses…ok…maybe not the keyboard and mouse…but the monitor and speakers…will the virus get spread through using the monitor anc the speakers ?
greatly appreciate your answers