I purchased a Norton Internet Security Subscription but I'm not sure what version I can used the subscription with. There is no download button when i log on to the store customer service. I tried downloading Norton Internet Security 2009 but the subscription I bought does not work with it.
I tried downloading NIS 2008 but I can't install it as it has this error message during setup and does not install if ignored: The file 'SymIMV.sys' on Symantec Network Security Intermediate Filter Driver is needed.
I tried to download NIS free upgrade to 2009 from this link: http://www.symantec.com/home_homeoffice/support/special/upgrade2007/product_nis_download.jsp
but I keep getting the error 'communications error' in 2009 NIS Download Manager.
Please help me is there anywhere I could download 'SymIMV.sys' or somehow I could download the free NIS 2009 upgrade. Please reply ASAP!