Purchasing Norton 360 Deluxe

Norton's Easter Sale is offering Norton 360 Deluxe for $AU69.99.  Select Buy Now and price increases to $AU89.99.

How do you obtain the advertised price?


Where are you seeing the $AU69.99 price offer? Looking at the Australian Norton web site is shows $AU89.99 as you mention.

If you got an email from Norton with this offer, the first thing to check is that it is a legitimate Norton email. Check the email sender against this information.  Is this email from Norton legitimate?  If it is legitimate, you will need to contact Norton Support to get them to give you that price. Others here have reported similar problems getting a special price offered in an email. And not just in Australia.


Interesting read (for me) to stop me being so ignorant:  https://theconversation.com/software-is-officially-a-rip-off-in-australia-so-what-can-you-do-16556 



Sorry - you are right.  I assumed it could be purchased on Amazon Australia but it seems that Amazon don't sell it there as your laws on unfair competition etc. must be different to the USA and EU and UK.

Amazon may sell it for 20 quid but if purchased Norton does not allow installation in another country.  See Amazon Q and A re Norton product.

Go to Amazon and get it there for about £20