Pure whitelisting with onlinefamily

Hello all,


What I want to do is rather simple - setup a homework account that will only allow access to whitelisted sites, nothing else.  I've set up the account... but configuring Norton is the trick.


Any idea how you would do this?  In other products blacklisted *, then whitelisted the sites I want.  However, I can't find a "match all" wildcard that works with Norton.  Also - am I correct in that whitelist overrides blacklist?


Note that simply denying all categories does still allows surfing, i think, as in you can't choose to block all categories and whitelist only.  At least I think...




Hi fdsailor,


Please try the following.  Block all the Web categories at Settings -> Web and enter the allowed websites to the allowed list. Please check out the links below for details. 







