Question RE: Default Firewall Rules With Multiple IP Addresses

While looking at the firewall rules found here:


Network -> Smart Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Traffic Rules


I noticed several of them say "(shared networks)". When looking at these rules the "computers" tab has "any computer in the local subnet" selected. Since Norton doesn't actually let you specify "shared" for the "local subnet", the question I have is what happens if there is more than one network?


In my PC I have two ethernet cards, one is for my LAN (10.x.x.x) which is "shared" and the other is for the internet (192.168.x.x) which is "restricted". Given the rules for IP addressing, those are both considered "non routable" and therefore "local subnets" (at least in Norton's eyes since the firewall rules don't let you specify "shared" networks only).


Since we can't modify or delete some of the default rules, how can I prevent Norton from allowing unwanted traffic on the internet interface (192.168.x.x)? Is the only way to create a DENY rule specifically for that interface and put it above all the other rules?


