Question - Untruted file yet able to run


  I came across this site:


It brought up a interesting topic with regards to untrusted files.



Here's an example.

I installed NIS 2010 and performed all the live updates. Right after that I went on the search for some rogue antivirus. After finding a fake codec site I clicked on the codec download and installed it. NIS immediately says that the file is new and has never been seen in the Norton community, nor does it have a digital signature….but…the file is allowed to install itself on the PC and run!!!

I'm not sure why NIS 2010 allows untrusted files to install and run nor could I find anything on their forums (or help files) that explains why untrusted files are allowed to run.



Just wonderng about it myself.


Additionally, it says that it failed with Rogue Antivirus.

