Questions about Facebook and NIS

Hello all:


I have had NIS for years and it's been great!


I am hoping to get answers to 2 questions.


First, recently while on FB, I mistakenly clicked on what appears to be malware.  It is a fake post that looked like it was from a friend of mine, but it wasn't.  It said something like, "vote here if you want to stay on [my] Friends list."  I am cleaning up my friends list, etc. etc.  And if you didn't vote/pick, you would be taken off the list.  


So I clicked!!  Then a few seconds later, I "un-voted," but I'm sure it was too late.  And my friend confirmed that he never posted it, and meanwhile, another friend had the same thing happen, and he said that if you clicked, it (whoever "it" is...) will start making fake posts under your name. 


My question is, is something bad going to happen now, and if so, what do I do about it?  Please speak slooooowly, I am *not* good at techhie stuff, and it is *NOT* possible to contact FB about this problem.  It can't be done.  I was all over their "report abuse" page and other such pages, and there's nothing about this and NO WAY to tell them about it.  (And I already had my doubts about FB to begin with.)  


My second question is, what *else* do I need to know about what not to do on FB?  Again, I am not good at this stuff, so please try to speak in simple terms.


I do not have whatever Norton product checks your FB.  I just have NIS, and frankly, if I have to, I'd rather quit FB than have to have another security product just to deal with it.  I am already feeling out Google+.  And I just trust Google a lot more.


Your help is appreciated!!!  Symantec has never let me down and I bet nice people hang out here.