Greetings! I have several questions and concerns regarding the NMS Activity Log—perhaps someone can answer them.
A few days ago, NMS on my Android tablet (Google/Asus Nexus 7 2013 model, unrooted, Wi-Fi only, running KitKat 4.4.2) updated to version Since the update, I have installed four new apps on the tablet (UnicodePad, Unicode Map, DuckDuckGo, and Orbot)—I uninstalled Orbot because Norton App Advisor warned me that it was capable of 10X higher than normal data usage and my tablet is tethered to a metered mobile Wi-Fi hotspot. During the same time period, several other previously installed third-party apps have also updated. Prior to the update to V3.8.6.1520, I always received a notification that an app installation or update was "clean"—or not—and these notifications were reflected in the NMS Activity Log. V3.8.6.1520 does not appear to be scanning all of these apps either upon installation or update (for example, Unicode Map was not scanned), and no individual app scans have appeared in my Activity Log since the 23rd of April. What is the reason for this ommission?
My second question also regards my activity log notifications. Since the 25th of April, a new entry stating "Locate command triggered" has appeared in my NMS Activity Log on a daily basis. I have not changed my anti-theft settings and have never used the "Locate your device" function, so I am a bit curious—and concerned—as to why this notification has suddenly begun to appear. Is it an intentional feature of the new build or is something else going on? Please advise . . .
Thank you in advance for your input.
Hi Dearcán.
I have no inside information but I will do my best to comment helpfully on your two issues.
First the scanning of new files/apps. I think you are correct and that for some reason Norton have changed the activity log and there is no longer any mention of checking the new files - I personally think this is a very bad thing. However I do think that they are still being scanned. With the previous version of NMS the pop-ups on the notification bar seemed to be brief and not entirely consistent. So I carefully watch when a new app is downloaded or updated (I do all my updates manually). Yesterday I had an update and am fairly sure that a got a notification that it was clear - but there is no record of that in the activity log. So I suspect that the scanning is still going on (it never did report on updates of manufacturer installed apps) but that the pop-ups are continuing to be fleeting. I hope Norton will review what is put in the activity log as most of what appears there now appears of little interest whereas I am very interested to see a record that an app was scanned and found clean - or whatever.
Next the "locate command triggered". I think that NMS may be continuing to do what it has done for some time but just showing it in a different way. With the previous version of NMS installed I was aware that about once a day I was alerted in the notification bar that my location was being determined by GPS - nothing ever told me which app was doing this but I have long assumed that it was NMS, so that it could be ready if asked to find the device. Since the upgrade I have not noticed the old notification but that may just be due to it being a short period since the upgrade, however the entries you mention in the log seem consistent with this.
Did that help at all?
Andmike. Thank you for the post as I had both questions as well. I realy hope Norton brings back the activity log entry for the app being scanned. I watch for the notification on my phone as I also do manual updates as well, but with so many updates at times I sometimes start it and do somthing for a while and come back to it. It would be nice to see a log entry for each one again.
Still not quite sure I understand the need for the locate command entry as this is not relavent or requested by me, the user. Do you believe it is simply testing the feature on a daily basis? Does that seem odd to you?
Hi TDL1068.
Don't worry if you do not see NMS report that an app is safe. You will know if it thinks the app is not safe! If you want to you can try downloading an EICAR test app from Google Play and see what happens. (By the way the EICAR app is quite safe but designed to trigger anti Malware apps to that you can see that they are working as they should.)
As for the location checking. As I said, I think it has been doing this daily check for a long time now. It is just that it shows up in a different way with the new version. I had long found the daily GPS icon in my notification bar annoying but Norton seem to think that this daily feature is a good idea.
All the best.
Hi Andmike . . . please accept my apologies for my failure to respond to your reply in a timely manner.
Upon further investigation, I believe that there may be a larger issue involved with this latest update. Yesterday, I installed two new apps on my tablet, Google Docs and Google Sheets. While both are Google apps, neither are system apps—both are newly developed, both were released on the 30th of April, both should have been scanned. I carefully watched my tablet's notification bar while installing both apps (five minutes between installations)—there was absolutely no indication that either app was scanned. Is a scan actually taking place? I have no way of knowing . . .
On a different but perhaps related note there also seems to be a problem with the "Web Protection" portion of NMS since the update to V3.8.6.1520. Prior to the update, there was always a slight delay when opening a new webpage using the Chrome browser (stable, version 34.0.1847.114). This delay was always accompanied by an animated "scanning" icon on my tablet's notification bar. Since the update, neither the delay nor the animation is present—in other words, there is no indication that a scan is actually taking place! I carefully examined my NMS settings—both the "Ongoing Notifications" and the "Web Protection" checkboxes are checked. It would appear that the "Web Protection" portion of NMS is no longer functioning correctly.
BTW, if it is of any assistance, I have two Nexus 7 tablets (identitical in all aspects other than installed apps)—both tablets are experiencing the same issues with NMS.
Again, many thanks!
Hello again Dearcán.
No need to apologise, we all have real lives to lead. 
I note your point about the two new Google apps. I do not think you need to worry to much about them being malware but your point is well made and I will try and ensure that the NMS team are aware of your point.
As for the web protection, I was never knowingly aware of NMS protecting me other than when is blocked a page. The only way I can think of testing it to try going to a dubious site. Sadly unlike the EICAR app that I suggested to TDL1068 I cannot immediately think of a suitable site to suggest. If you have Norton on your PC you could try a Google search on anything you like and look down the list for one that does not get a green Norton icon. Then if that does not worry you too much, try putting the URL into the Chrome browser on you tablet and see what happens. Hopefully NMS will give you a warning, if it does not just kill the load as soon as it starts and report back here with the URL. Either way do report back you findings if you try this.
I hope that covers your points adequately.