A long time ago, actually about December 2008 Norton Internet Security 2009 was in idle mode and detected a virus or something within a PC Game Demo "Need for Speed Carbon" Ironically enough I had the file over 3 years and finally NIS 2009 detected something within it; 3 years and no other Virus program saw anything wrong, again til NIS 2009 though I had NIS 2009 since release.
So anyways I deleted the file that was on my Hard drive though I actually had a backup on a portable hard drive and decided to do a virus scan from that to see if it would still detect.....yes it did. However I never deleted the file within that scan; I still have it.
Well apparently Norton's History still had it "un resolved"
Out of the blue today it popped up saying I needed to remove the file, yet apparently it was scanned from an "I" drive *the letter of my portable hard drive*. Well the thing is, is that I havent had my portable hard drive hooked up in over a week. And according to the History of the un resovled conflict it was back in December; almost 2-3 months later it popped up saying "do something with this"
Well I didnt have the portable hard drive hooked up; as I said, so I just wanted to remove it from the History scan result page, but apparently by doing so it placed it into Quarantine.
Quarantine? Why? I dont understand?
I hook up my portable hard drive, scan the hard drive, dont do anything, un hook the hard drive and yet NIS 2009 is telling me to do something with the file and yet now its going into Quarantine?
Where is the Quarantine folder on my hard drive? I just want to get rid of the "notification" altogether, I'll keep the file (for my own reasons) on my portable hard drive but I just wanted it gone off the History result page because I presume if I didnt and avoided it, whos to say that 2 months from now it will pop up with the message again saying for me to do something with it?
I love Norton Internet Security but when 2009 came out, I just dont understand what is going on with its engine; again why tell me theres a virus when all the other NIS' didnt detect it. Why inform you of a scan result that was done 2-3 months ago and I dont even have the proper drive hooked up when it informed me?
I can understand it if I did hook up the portable hard drive and it reminded me but come on LOL
When a scan is made, what does it do? Why??
Grrrrr I just dont understand whats going on.!!!!