RAID 1 crashed-SRD in boot loop- Restore help. New DELL Config OS/Prog on C:/ Data on D:/

Hi to  All,


My RAID 1 array crashed 12/9/12. I have changed the configuration to 2
HD with no RAID 1 but cannot restore SRD to single HD as stuck in a
boot loop. SRD works perfectly as I can see all restore points on
external drives.

I have read postings that RAID image must be restored to RAID. Can I
load windows XP3 and set up RAID array then restore SRD  and now
boot properly? I would only use the restored system for checking email and probably wait for the new system for programs.

I have a new DELL precision 3600 eta 10 days but would like to restore
old system. This would be a good test of Ghost image recovery and give me some confidence with future restores. Since this restore is temporary I am willing to put several hours in it for the practice but need to budget this time.


I understand that I am SOL restoring the Ghost image to the new system but at least I can do folder and file recovery from the old PC image to new system. If that is not correct please let me know.


In prior recoveries or new system builds I have copied and pasted the data from the external hard drive to the new system. Any shortcuts recommended? Would the shortcuts really be shortcuts?


My new T3600 Dell precision workstation  is configured with a boot 256 GB SSD for OS (WIN 7 Pro 64 bit) and an internal 1 TB drive. I anticipate loading the programs on the SSD and data on 1 TB.  My current Ghost image is about 70 GB so plenty space. In prior postings forum members have recommended separating OS/Programs and Data.


Since I am placing data only on the 1 TB drive I will need to direct the program files to save data on say drive "D." Is the separation of data on this separate drive going to be a problem in the operation of the program which will reside on the bootable SSD say drive "C"? I have read that the boot drive and programs should be on the same drive to avoid confusing the program files and to take advantage of the speed of the SSD.


Any other helpful hints would be appreciated.



