Rate my website



I am having trouble getting my site rated. My site has been owner verified but I cannot find the "rate my site" link on the site dispute tab. Can you tell me how to resolve this? My site is bridgehamptonacupuncture.com. Thank you!



      Welcome to Norton Community. Click here and follow the instructions....:robotwink:

Hello Bac and welcome!


Since you state that ownership has been verified, I will notify the Safe Web team of your issue. Please allow them a day or two to respond back to you in this thread.


To be notified by email when a reply is posted, go to My Settings > Preferences and check the box for: "Automatically Subscribe Me to Topics I Participate In".

Hi Bac,

Your site 'bridgehamptonacupuncture.com' had been submitted for analysis and is currently rated green in safeweb.norton.com.




Excellent - thank you all!

Moved to own thread for better exposure.