Re-Installation of Norton on New Windows 8 Computer

Hello! This is my first post, so if I'm doing anything incorrectly, please tell me!


So I got a new Windows 8 computer.My father insisted that I use Kaspersky, so I tried installing it.

It said there was a compatibility issue, so I uninstalled Norton, thinking it was the issue (maybe they were conflicting).

Turns out that we bought the incorrect Kaspersky, so I need to reinstall Norton for the time being.


I've tried all kinds of things to get it back, but I've uninstalled it, what can I do?


Now, I knew I had Norton Studio to start with ( for organizing purposes, I suppose) so I went into the Windows Store and installed Studio. It's just an organizer. It says I have to buy Norton.


Um, my parents just spent quite a bit of money getting this Windows 8 computer, I shouldn't have to buy Norton and they aren't going to..


Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get it back? Thank you, lots.

Hi and Welcome to the Norton Community,


You can download a trial of Norton Internet Security from


When you are going to reinstall Kaspersky please make sure you run the Norton Removal Tool followed by a reboot before installing your new product.  You can download that from


I hope this helps.



You will also have to fully remove Kaspersky while you are using the Norton Trial. Look for the removal instructions and removal tool here