Hi, I've been using norton for years but suddenly my Norton 360 2013 has started giving me the error as above. I have tried using the Norton removal tool and NPE but when I re install it still wont work and gives me the same error reading. Any ideas what I do from here?
Hi, I've been using norton for years but suddenly my Norton 360 2013 has started giving me the error as above. I have tried using the Norton removal tool and NPE but when I re install it still wont work and gives me the same error reading. Any ideas what I do from here?
Thanks for your reply, I know it's been a while but I've been rather busy so I 've been using a laptop. Back to the problem, tried all you suggested but nothing seems to work, using Win7 Pro. I have run power eraser. Uninstalled N360 Using add/remove programs run NRT more than once. When I reinstall N360 everything seems OK message received that it has installed correctly but when I try to "explore" or access the main UI nothing happens and after some time the error message appears again.
I've been using Norton products for many years without much trouble but this time it has me beat.
Any freshh ideas please.
Hi Sherlock,
It appears some heavier cleaning up is in order for your system, as you have followed the "normal clean install routine" already.
I feel the following may be worth a try.
Please open Run by pressing windows key + R -> devmgmt.msc -> View Show
Hidden devices -> open Non-Plug and Play Drivers-> Maximize the Screen
If you have Identity Safe data Export it ->
Go to Control panel uninstall N360 ->select the second option to
completely uninstall ->restart -> Run Norton Removal Tool -> Restart ->
Go to the maximized page -> if you find NAVENG, NAVEX15, Norton Antivirus settings manager, starting from Symantec
Data Store to SymEvent (entries starting with Sym) ->right click on them
click uninstall -> For the Restart prompts select no -> Goto Program files
if you find Norton Folder delete it -> Go to Run ->type temp ->Delete all
the files in there -> Run -> %temp% ->delete all ->Now Restart the PC -
>Install N 360 (use the dowload for the edition you are running)
http://norton.com/latestn360 (Standard Edition)
http://norton.com/latestn360p (Premiere Edition)
->Run Live Update until you get no updates found message ->restart PC
Please bear in mind this will install N 360 version (the 2014 (product)
Let us know how it went for you.
Hi, thanks for your prompt reply, just printed out your instructions and will try out as soon as possible. Just on another note I've installed Norton Internet Security 2013 which is currently performing a full system scan and appears to be O.K. But I am still going to try your solution because I prefer the features that come with N360.
O.K. I have performed the clean up as per your instructions, there were no references to NAV or SYM when running the device manager hidden devices screen so continued to delete all reference to Norton in the temp files and any folders which had any reference to Norton. I have reinstalled my N360 2013 and updated several times until no further updates available and so far it's running fine. Performed this clean up Friday and now Saturday still no sign of any errors.
Great Job, your help is much appreciated, thanks.
You are very welcome Sherlock. No big deal in regards to the NAV/SYM references missing on your system - actually that is what you desired - to get rid of them - I guess the NRT saved you the trouble!