Recent and Full History missing entries since NIS 2010 update

Since my computer updated to NIS 2010 version today,

my history full and recent do not register certain entries.

it no longer shows network connections (connected to a protected network)

it never shows anything about any program preparing to access the internet 

I used to get entries like the following

an instance of iexplore.exe is preparing to access the internet

an instance of csrss.exe is preparing to access the internet

an instance of ituneshelper.exe is preparing to access the internet


also every half hour i used to get

rule "Default Block UPNP Discovery" stealthed inbound UDP packet

I no longer get those either


Is anybody else not receiving the usual entries in their history after the update.


does NIS 2010 no longer log them for me in the history.


I tried to talk to chat support but got nowhere.


Thanks Kevin

Also when I bring up the firewall-activities history log there are no entries after I updated to

Hi Kevin,


Can you let us know the Operating System and the Service Pack? I'm using Windows XP SP3 and the logs in history shows up fine.


Norton Forums Moderator
Symantec Corporation

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2

NIS 2010


I decided to uninstall and reinstall NIS 2010


I did that and after the reinstall and reboot I was at Version

and all my history entries are working ok now.


BUT now I have another problem


When I try to download the Norton addon pack and install it. I get a message that says an error has occured the addon pack can only be installed on a system using NIS 2010 or 360 V4.

WELL I am using NIS 2010....


sothat might be where i am having problems


Is NIS 2010 and Add On Pack compatible?


So as of now NIS 2010 seems to be ok and history logs seem ok BUT I can't install The Norton AddOn Pack.


Glad to know the History problem is resolved.




So as of now NIS 2010 seems to be ok and history logs seem ok BUT I can't install The Norton AddOn Pack.



This behaviour is as expected. I've answered your question here.




Norton Forums Moderator
Symantec Corporation

Yes, NIS 2010 seems to be working now with the update to and all the history entries I used to see.


The only problem is the addon pack won't install. I see you have answered my question about that so i will wait for AOP 4.6 to become available.


On the plus side. Now my MBAM updates.

I don't know if it is because of something I did when i uninstalled and reinstalled NIS 2010 or the fact that I am no longer using the Add On Pack with parental Controls and ccproxy is no longer in my Task Manager.


