I am using Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2
NIS 2010
I decided to uninstall and reinstall NIS 2010
I did that and after the reinstall and reboot I was at Version
and all my history entries are working ok now.
BUT now I have another problem
When I try to download the Norton addon pack and install it. I get a message that says an error has occured the addon pack can only be installed on a system using NIS 2010 or 360 V4.
WELL I am using NIS 2010....
sothat might be where i am having problems
Is NIS 2010 and Add On Pack compatible?
So as of now NIS 2010 seems to be ok and history logs seem ok BUT I can't install The Norton AddOn Pack.
Yes, NIS 2010 seems to be working now with the update to and all the history entries I used to see.
The only problem is the addon pack won't install. I see you have answered my question about that so i will wait for AOP 4.6 to become available.
On the plus side. Now my MBAM updates.
I don't know if it is because of something I did when i uninstalled and reinstalled NIS 2010 or the fact that I am no longer using the Add On Pack with parental Controls and ccproxy is no longer in my Task Manager.