In my recent history section I have about 3 separate entries Unauthorized access blocked/proccess data. One of them is Actor/C:/Windows/Explorer.exe.-Target/Program files/NIS Engine 202 0 19/ccsvchst.exe. Second is Acto/ system 32/conhost.exe/Target/cltlmh.exe. Third is/DUMeter Service.exe Target/ ccSvchst.exe. These are all pretty close to what is in the boxes at least for you to get an idea of what I'm referring to. Someone in the past helped me with Clean Memory.exe and I put it on an ignore list and it was never heard from again on the recent history list. Are these entries blocking the app that they are referrirng to? This is another one of Norton's hard to figure things and it frustrates me when I can't figure something out, so if you know what this is about please by any means, clue me in.
You have 1600 posts so I do suppose that qualifies you as a Norton expert. I might have been told something like that before about this but no one has ever really explained the reason it sounds like something important is being blocked instead of just telling us users like you did that it is pretty much for informational purposes. One problem I have always had with using Norton is that you pretty well have to have more than just beginner computer knowledge to use this antivirus and be able to set it or configure it properly. Thanks for taking the time out to give me your thoughts and if you run across anymore info on this please feel free to pass it along.
The reason these events are logged at such a level of severity is because it could be malware trying to disable your Norton product, and this is the built-in defense against such things. The program or process that is trying to read or in some other way modify and part of Norton is blocked from doing so, and a message about the event is logged. Norton does not, however, differentiate between good or bad programs doing the tampering. And the chance of it being a "good" program is overwhelming. Yours certainly are. For example, your conhost entry is from a Microsoft service doing its usual job. Everyone has this entry, every day (well, maybe not XP users, because I don't think it was a part of that OS, but certainly after that).
And, in no way does this interfere with the program in question being blocked. It's not blocked from running, just blocked from reading the Norton processes.
In my recent history section I have about 3 separate entries Unauthorized access blocked/proccess data. One of them is Actor/C:/Windows/Explorer.exe.-Target/Program files/NIS Engine 202 0 19/ccsvchst.exe. Second is Acto/ system 32/conhost.exe/Target/cltlmh.exe. Third is/DUMeter Service.exe Target/ ccSvchst.exe. These are all pretty close to what is in the boxes at least for you to get an idea of what I'm referring to. Someone in the past helped me with Clean Memory.exe and I put it on an ignore list and it was never heard from again on the recent history list. Are these entries blocking the app that they are referrirng to? This is another one of Norton's hard to figure things and it frustrates me when I can't figure something out, so if you know what this is about please by any means, clue me in.