I just upgraded my Intenet Security from NIS 2008 to NIS 2009.
Can anyone recommend a good on-demand antispyware program(s) to go with NIS 2009?
Thanks in advace
I just upgraded my Intenet Security from NIS 2008 to NIS 2009.
Can anyone recommend a good on-demand antispyware program(s) to go with NIS 2009?
Thanks in advace
Norton covers all the bases.
Yes but it never hurts to have a back up on demand.
Superantispyware and Malwarebytes are both excellent and I use both ~every 2 weeks as a supliment to NIS. Even running NIS 2009 maxed out I have found tracking cookies that Norton doesn't flag and it never hurts to have another opinion as the malware jerks are always coming up with new tricks.
Then I use online scanners.
And if you ever download a suspicious file, submit it for analysis at:
Nothing covers all the bases.
What do you all think about SpywareBlaster? Pros and Cons etc.
Its not really a scanner, but its supose to prevent spyware and the like from entering your PC.
Hi Tony67,
You asked "What do you all think about SpywareBlaster?"
SpywareBlaster blocks some, not all, malwares based on "ActiveX".
It can be a suppliment to other malware detecting/removal and blocking softwares.
I use TreatFire ver. 4.0 which is a behaviour blocking software, and I have found it to be
working very good along with NIS 2009.
NIS 2009 has some functions buildin from NortonAntibot, adding a behaviour detecting possibillity.
My experience when adding new malware detectabillities to NIS, do test the combination.
To do that you need a backup software, so you can restore your system if anything goes wrong or you yourself don´t want the tested software.
I have found this backup facillity being a rather easy way to get rid of things from a system.
Sometimes working superiour to malware removing softwares.
Hi Kurt
I've been using ThreaFire v4 as well. And yes, it is a very good at what it does.
Im just asking this forum for another program to add to my security.
Spyware Blaster is a joke in todays world.
Hey Dieselman743,
I see u changed from Sandbox to TF...I'm I correct?
Yes I was using TF before but went back to Sandboxie. I was only using Sandboxie on demand when I visited the dark side but then I thought whats the sense in doing that. Threats are everywhere. Sandboxie runs 5 processes to work properly. They do not slow down your pc at all but if you are always browsing under and Sandbox then you dont really need a virus scanner. TF runs extremely light and its free so I went back to it. Sandboxie is great but only if your using it all the time.
Ok Dieselman743..Thanks.
Another one:
TF+NIS09=Smooth for me 2
But what about
TF+NIS09+Malwarebytes=???....are they going to run?....or disaster will hit me hard ??
It will work.
TF added some boot time lag to my computer =(. Did it do that to yours?
I noticed that TF loads two drivers at startup...that must be why.
You're spot on Tech0utsider!
It did that to mine as well...But I think, all in all, its a light running application...
Windows Defender.