Recover my computer with Ghost 15.0 SRD to new disk sucks

Due to a hard disk crash, I installed a new drive in my computer, but a different geometry than the old one.

Fortunately and as usual I had made perfect made a recovery point of the old computer some days before the crash.

With the SRD I want to recover my computer, easy job I thought.

The old disk was built up with 3 partitions:

  • PQSERVICE -  Acer repair partition;
  • SYSTEM RESERVED - Windows 7 startup;
  • Windows 7 - My system partition.

 What I did:

  1. Clean the new disk totally, no partitions at all;
  2. In the SRD environment I chose the .V2i file that comes up with all the 3 partitions;
  3. The SRD won't let me do any adjustment for resizing the disk after recovery (greyed-out);
  4. I started the recovery and the wizard detected the uninitialized disk, asked to write the partition structures and did;
  5. After a while the recovery process ended with Error E0BB014B: Volume not found.

Second attempt:

  1. I decided to create the partitions and formatted these.
  2. Chose the same.V2i file but now assigned each backed-up partition to the appropriate partition on the target disk.
  3. Result after  writing a while Error E0BB014B: Volume not found.
  4. I inspected the target disk and the SRD had created separate partitions with the same name.


Third attempt:

  1. Started like number one in 2nd attempt, but then createdthe partitions with the SRD partition wizard;
  2. Chose the same.V2i file but now assigned each backed-up partition to the appropriate partition on the target disk.
  3. Inspected the target disk and saw that the partitions were double. one greyed and one normal;
  4. Assigned each backed-up partition to the right one in my opinion;
  5. Result after  writing a while Error E0BB014B: Volume not found.

Fourth attempt:

  1. Same as 1st and then again manully created and formatted the partitions;
  2. Did not choose the .V2i file but chose each backed-up partition file;
  3. Assigned eacht to the appropriate partition;
  4. Started recovery and result after a while: Error E0BB014B: Volume not found.

Please help, what do I wrong?