Recovery Disk prob Ghost 12

Using Ghost 12 on WIN XP SP3 on two Tecra laptops.
For several years my bu strategy was to bu laptop #1 to an external HDD. Using that Ghost bu, restore to laptop #2, so that bu data is now in 2 locations. [laptop #1 is exactly the same configuration, make & model as laptop #2]
Yesterday. after bu using Ghost to external HDD, I attempted to start laptop #2 using the System Recovery Disk (SRD) on CD. The laptop booted up per usual, showed me the licence agreement, gave me the 1st window where you choose "Recover My Computer" but when you click "NEXT", everything freezes and you have to re-boot. Tried several times on BOTH laptops & got the same result, so I assume that the CD is now faulty.
I can not find the original CDs and am wondering if there is anywhere I can dl the ISO  image of the SRD. Program CD is dOK but can not find anywhere on there re: how to make an SRD.

Any help would be appreciated
