Not sure why anyone would buy a norton product. They are very efficient at taking money, but unable to actually provide the refund. But Norton is amazing at telling customers to wait.
Am writing on here as it is the only way to possibly contact Norton in writing.
I have followed norton policy in requesting a refund within the 60 days of my payment being taken from my account. Surprisingly enough, norton is amazing at taking money, but not so good at actually refunding it. I did this twice, waiting both times before having to contact norton myself. It would be too much to expect norton to realise that it had failed on their end and contact a customer. So their fix was to send a cheque. after the 6 week wait, I tried the online chat and ended up getting some guy who hung up on me. I spent over an hour on the phone and was told to keep waiting. I
If I dont get a refund by the 16th oct 2023, Syd time. you will be hearing from my lawyer. they will be ordering Norton to pay (but not limited to) not only my refund, but time wasted taken, mental stress, legal help and fines for my other bills that are overdue because I have been waiting for the money from Norton.
I would also like to point out the failure of the email system. A staff member guaranteed me on the phone that I would be able to reply to the email, but the reply button is greyed out (see picture).