Reinstalling Norton Internet Security 2011 waste my product key?

Hi there,


So due to some computer issues, I am planning to uninstall my 2011 norton, like FULLY, all preferences, passwords, quarantine deleted. I'm afraid though, that if I reinstall, I might not be able to register the product since I've used my key on two other computers and the one I'm deleting (for 3 PCs) intially. 


So basically, since my product key has been used on three computers "yesterday," if I uninstall completely on norton on one computer today and reinstall it "tomorrow," will I still be able to register my product?



So basically reinstalling it again should not waste the one "activation" left?

Hi there,


So due to some computer issues, I am planning to uninstall my 2011 norton, like FULLY, all preferences, passwords, quarantine deleted. I'm afraid though, that if I reinstall, I might not be able to register the product since I've used my key on two other computers and the one I'm deleting (for 3 PCs) intially. 


So basically, since my product key has been used on three computers "yesterday," if I uninstall completely on norton on one computer today and reinstall it "tomorrow," will I still be able to register my product?



wellillbedang wrote:

So basically reinstalling it again should not waste the one "activation" left?

It definitely will not waste it -- it may ratchet up an activation used in the database but if you then contact Norton Customer Support by OnLin CHAT they will swiftly reset it when you tell them what happened.


To contact customer support Click on this link and work on from there.

You can choose CHAT or Email; email or phone may have a long wait time and feedback from users tells us that CHAT is by far the best at resolving problems.

Note that that link is to the USA/CAN website so if you are located elsewhere I'm sure you will be able to find the equivalent location on your local Symantec website; some pages have a link at the top right where you can select the country you are located in.


If you use Identity Safe you can export the data file and reimport it after setting up again and you can use this file to reinstall and get the current version -- just enter the old KEY if it does not pick it up automtically.

New NIS 2011:

Click on this link -- NIS 2011This will download a single file of around 90MB which you should save on your hard drive where you can use it again if necessary -- Do not select Run but use Save when asked and remember where you put it!

Let us know if you have any other questions ....

Hi wellillbedang,


If you are reinstalling to the same machine you should not have any subscription or activation issues at all.