Reloading 360 and the Identity Safe files after Reloading Windows

I had to reload Windows XP on my machine. To many boot issues.


Anyways, everything was backed up, and all programs, including 360 were reinstalled.


My question is how do I get my previous Identity Safe files back into the fresh install of 360?


Before the crash, 360 was  backing up to a secondary hard disk, so I have those files.


Advise please.

Message Edited by tjl5709 on 12-04-2009 05:48 AM

Hi tjl5709,


I copied the below from Symantec employee Venkat's post at this link:


You can copy the .NPM file to any media, if you want to transfer it to other computers.You can restore your data by going to Settings>Identity Protection>Restore Identity Safe Data. Specify the location of the backup file and give the password if you specified during back up operation. We advise to use password during backup as this option prevents other users from accessing your back up file.

Message Edited by Yaso_Kuuhl on 12-04-2009 03:02 PM

Cannot find any NPM files.


I looked in both the 360 backup using the restore function and searching a portable hard drive that had a copy of my C: drive before I reformatted it and reloaded Windows/Programs.

I read the original link, and it looks likw my issue is that I did not make a back-up of the identity safe.


Is there a way to find the encripted file from the original 360 program files and copy and paste?

Hi tjl5709,


You can check out jlatino0's post at the link below; it applies to NIS, but it should also work for Norton 360:

Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner folks.



Thanks so much!

Lol! You’re welcome - credit goes to jlatino0 ;-)) Glad his solution worked for Norton 360 as well :smiley: