Renewal dates

Good Afternoon,

Can someone tell me why my renewal date says 4th August but the billing and subscription debiting date is 30 June please?



Did as you suggested and it worked a treat.  Problem solved.  Thanks for your help.


Still not sure about that Captcha business though:).  I have to do it again now.  truly this is a serious put off for me.

Hello Twonko


After you make a few more posts here the captcha will disappear.  See if you can make a few posts in some of the other threads here. That will raise the number of posts you have made and might make the captcha go away. This Forum is way to valuable to let the Captcha bother you or cause you to stop using it.  Thanks.

My old subscription was due to expire so I purchased an upgrade disc and used the code to renew my subscription.  It didn't go well. but that's another story.  Now it is all working but I find that my new subscription date started from the date when I renewed it and not from the date when the old one was due to expire.  This means I have lost nearly a month of paid for cover and am most dis-chuffed.


Is there an explanation or a fix for this. or is the last year I ever use Norton?


And how irritating is Captcha just for a forum post?


Not looking good for Norton.

The date posted on your website for my renewal does not match the date shown in the software.  My software shows only 17 days remaining on my subscription however my account shows an expiration date of 1/12/2013.  How do I reconcile this?

  • Norton sends (for annually recurring subscriptions) email notice (with price, term, and related details) usually about 50-65 days before current term expiry. 
  • Users report Norton pulls recurring subscription payment about 30-45 days before current term expiry. 

Learn more about your automatically renewing subscription

Refunds for Norton annual subscriptions