Renewal of suscription help

Hi There


I have Norton Internet Security 2011installed and upon clicking the appropiate renewal link I was quoted £39.99 to renew for 12 months.


I later typed NIS 2011 into google and found a Norton page offering the same service for only £24.99 for a 1 year download|kw0000060218


Basically, as I already have the product installed, can I purchased the £24.99 product, or is this only available to new customers ?? If so why is the automatic renewal screen showing a price which is £15 more?


Many Thanks

I prefer buying rather than renew.because buying is low cost and once i renew then i cant synchronise with symantec server then customer service help me. :slight_smile:

Hello Xink


Here is the customer support link for the UK which I think is the one you would want to chat with since it appears you are from the UK. If I am incorrect, please let me know. Thanks



Check out retail offers since they are often even cheaper after multiple rebates including as an updater.


Find a relaibel source -- experience indicates that too many people are reporting problems here when buying through eBay from unknown sources -- and just use the KEY but make sure it is for exactly your version although it need not be for the same year; the last 3 years will certainly work.


Since they do not add time but replace it do not apply the new KEY until a couple of days before your old one expires.

Hi There


I have Norton Internet Security 2011installed and upon clicking the appropiate renewal link I was quoted £39.99 to renew for 12 months.


I later typed NIS 2011 into google and found a Norton page offering the same service for only £24.99 for a 1 year download|kw0000060218


Basically, as I already have the product installed, can I purchased the £24.99 product, or is this only available to new customers ?? If so why is the automatic renewal screen showing a price which is £15 more?


Many Thanks