Renewals and pricing

Hi, all!


First of all I'd like to point out that this forum doesn't properly work in Opera browser, which, as far as I am aware, is one of the closest to the standards. But anyway.


My question is about somewhat strange pricing for Norton products.

I owe a NIS subscription which is about to run out. I am looking to renew it at which point I go to Symantec site and find 3PC new NIS2009 costing £39.99. I click on Store and find the same NIS2009 costing £49.99. I then click on renewals and get a £44.99 for a year subscription. Adding any of those to the bin shows those prices as they are.


So, what is going on? Not really customer friendly and not fare even a little bit.

Message Edited by Inflynx on 08-27-2009 04:35 AM