I am constantly getting notifications on my phone from the Norton app titled "Introducing Privacy Monitor". I have tried turning off various Notification Categories to make these stop, but it seems they only go away if I turn off ALL notifications from Norton, including "Critical Security Alerts" and such.
Is there any way to turn of these repeating notifications without turning off the notifications I actually want from this app?
Sorry. I deal with many threads a day, many at the same time. It can get a little confusing for this old guy to keep everything straight. 
As an FYI. The solution you found does also work on PC's.
This thread is specifically about the mobile phone app (Android). There is no cursor and there are no windows with "X" close symbols.
Thanks for posting back. Another thing you can look for is an X at the top of the message. Hover your cursor over the X and you might see a Do Not Ask Again option. If you do, click that.
Thank you for the suggestion, but that setting was already turned off long ago.
That said, it does seem that the incessant notifications finally stopped after I gave in and tapped the notification, taking me to the app and the "Privacy" setup. I quit out after that and it seems that the app is no longer bugging me. Will have to see if that holds.
On an Android device, try opening Settings > General and turn off the Product Suggestions setting. See if that helps.