Repeated pop-up "! Verifying Subscription"

I am getting repeated pup-ups, screenshot attached, despite not only having been on the internet frequently but also having updated my account details within the last days. How can I put an end to these?


Hi pdcracing:

Thanks for the feedback, and glad the remote reinstall by Customer Support solved your pop-up warnings.

If you ever run into an odd glitch like this again and want to try a refresh of your Norton installation yourself you can find the Norton Remove and Reinstall (NRnR) tool at
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.5.2 * NS Premium v22.11.2.7 * MB Premium v3.3.1

Hi Imacri,

I tried your final hints to start with and they made no difference. So went to LliveChat, the guys did a remove and reinstall remotely and so far the problem seems to have been fixed - touch wood!

Thanks for your help and keep your fingers crossed!!!

Hi pdcracing:

If the pop-up returns, it might be worthwhile to contact Norton Customer Support via LiveChat at https:\\ and ask them to check your subscription.  I found an older thread by Viscon titled Unable to Verify Subscription Status and a service rep had to issue them a new product key to get the pop-ups to stop.

If Norton Customer Support can't find the cause post back and we'll provide instructions for performing a clean re-install of your product.  Just let us know your Windows OS, product name (e.g., Norton Internet Security, Norton Security Deluxe, etc.) and your current version number from Help | General Information | About.

One hint, though, if you have a Win 8.x or Win 10 operating system - ensure the Fast Startup power option described in peterweb's thread Windows 8/8.1 or 10 and Fast Start Feature is disabled.  This Fast Startup feature can cause problems with product updates and loading of Norton services at boot-up and result in all sorts of unexpected behaviour on Win 8.x and Win 10 computers.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.5.0 * NS Premium v22.11.2.7 * MB Premium v3.3.1

Hi lmacri,

Yes, the only difference with mine is that it says that I have 260 days left.

I've been getting the ! Verifying Subscription popup every day recently, each time I click the button it goes to Norton "Communicating with server" and then returns the same window that you show above. All updates are current and scans completed withing the last 24 hours, the interface tells me I'm protected.

Had Norton on my machines for over 20 years, have never had this problem before. How do I stop it?

Hi pdcracing:

First go to and make sure the Norton servers all show a green status from your location.

Then open your Norton interface, go to  Help | Account Information and click the Subscription Status link.  Do you see a window similar to the one below that displays the correct number of days left on your subscription, and if so do the pop-up messages asking you to verify your subscription disappear?

Norton Subscription Status 30 Nov 2017.png

32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.5.0 * NS Premium v22.11.2.7 * MB Premium v3.3.1