I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek assistance regarding a false positive detection issue that we have encountered with Norton 360 Antivirus.
Our software installation package has been identified as a false positive by Norton 360, and the antivirus software has automatically removed the installation package from our users' systems. While we understand the importance of security measures to protect users from potential threats, our software is a legitimate and trusted application that should not be categorized as malicious.
We attempted to resolve this issue by submitting a false positive report through the Norton website at https://submit.norton.com/?type=FP. However, we have encountered a limitation with the submission process. The form restricts file submissions to a maximum of 90MB, and our software installation package exceeds this size limit. As a result, we are unable to submit the necessary information and files to address this false positive detection.
We kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly. Our software is essential to our users, and the false positive detection is causing unnecessary inconvenience and disruption. We are committed to ensuring that our software is free from any security concerns and complies with all industry standards.
To help us address this issue effectively, we request the following:
Provide an alternative method for submitting false positive reports, which can accommodate files exceeding 90MB in size.
Expedite the review process for our case, as our users rely on our software for their day-to-day activities.
Work with us to whitelist or exclude our software installation package from future false positive detections in Norton 360.
We understand the importance of maintaining a secure environment for all Norton 360 users and appreciate your efforts in ensuring this. We believe that with your assistance, we can resolve this matter and prevent further false positive detections.
Please feel free to reach out to us for any additional information or clarification regarding our software. We are committed to cooperating fully to rectify this situation promptly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to a swift resolution.
IP Abuse Reports for
ISPAlibaba Cloud LLC
Usage Type Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
Domain Name alicloud.com
Country Singapore
City Singapore, Singapore
This IP address has been reported a total of 236 times from 137 distinct sources. was first reported on May 26th 2023, and the most recent report was 3 months ago.
Old Reports: The most recent abuse report for this IP address is from 3 months ago. It is possible that this IP is no longer involved in abusive activities.
ISPAmazon Technologies Inc.
Usage Type Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
Domain Nameamazon.com
Country Singapore
City Singapore, Singapore
Filename: Walnut+Coding_win32_2.0.8.0_Setup_2023.10.15_15.01.19.exe
Full Path: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Walnut+Coding_win32_2.0.8.0_Setup_2023.10.15_15.01.19.exe
10/28/2023 at 12:55:37 PM
Few Users
Fewer than 50 users in the Norton Community have used this file.
This file was released 11 days ago.
There are some indications that this file is untrustworthy.
A MD5 or SHA256 hash of the file is required. The file can not be larger than 90MB and must exist in virustotal (virustotal.com)
Submission failed
Hash submissions require the file to exist on Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com
Hash must be a MD5 or a SHA256 of the file
Please make sure all fields are correct and that the file is not larger than 90MB
Submission failed
URL submissions require the file to be available without any username / password
It must be a direct download URL
Please make sure all fields are correct and that the file is not larger than 90MB
Few Users
Fewer than 50 users in the Norton Community have used this file.
This file was released 11 days ago.
This file risk is medium.
https: //u3d-update-sg.wntss.com/overseas_v1/20231015/Walnut+Coding_win32_2.0.8.0_Setup_2023.10.15_15.01.19. exe
Downloaded File from wntss.com
Source: External Media
Please tell us what Norton is telling you regarding this event. For information regarding this event > from Norton pop-up > View Details > Copy to Clipboard &or from Norton history > More Options > Copy to Clipboard > paste here.
For second opinion choose File &/or Search hash at VirusTotal
Is the file known to VirusTotal?
Is the file free and publicly available?
Is the file sign'd?
Maybe, you can provide direct download URL or file hash.
for example: