It should display on main UI.
Last Live Update: current and the date and time of last scan.
Subscription Status: Active and number of days.
When I open Norton - on the first main UI, it says:
'Security', 'Identity', 'Performance' and 'More Norton'.
I discovered that this is actually just a super large over the top - top level menu that uses more than half of the space of a window. which you have to move before you can do anything. This is not simplified - it is not minimalistic - it is iritating and totally irrelevant.
They have massive icons - why? it's so unecessary and they talk about a clean minimalistic style. Make it minimalistic. Simplify so it works as a top level menu. It's driving me up the wall with it popping up and down if I select various areas - not even the buttons - it's a gimick and I'm not impressed - reminds of that stupid ribbon in microsoft that has a habit of leaping on and off the page until you fix it. But how do I fix this.
OR how do I force that main menu to stay in the reduced state at the bottom as can be achieved when you select any of those massive menu buttons. Everytime I open Norton, it will not remember to say at the bottom.and act like a real and proper menu. It should default on Security with 'Run Scans' 'Live Update' 'History' and 'Advanced' auto displaying.
If there is some configuation editor preference that allows users to sort out bad designer issues like the ones mentioned above please offer info. I'm almost dumb founded by this poor UI.