Return of NIS 2009 Update Problem

Previous issues were raised in this forum 22 Nov 2008 and 26 November 2008, regarding upgrade from NIS 2008 to NIS 2009 and a subsequent Live Update problem, but were thought to be resolved. The problem with Live Update seems to have returned.    


A short while ago, the red message to “Fix Now” just re-appeared. When I clicked the button it went to Live Update and checked for updates. It then said no updates found, I have the latest updates. When I click OK, it says protection not fixed and stays “Red”.


I have run a full scan and tried Update a few more times but I still have the red “At Risk” status. Definition Updates say 3 minutes ago.


If I click “History” in Computer Pane it shows this entry:


Medium Risk: Unauthorised access blocked (send Terminate message to Window)  - If I click to reveal more details it shows Target is Norton Internet Security. The time of this event is same as time I clicked Live Update.


Virus Defs folder 20081127.048 files within are 28/11/2008 & 27/11/2008 except:

VersionInfo.dat  03/12/2008 00:48

Streamset.dat  03/12/2008 00:48

Vscanmsx.dat  29/11/2008 11:24


London GMT times


Can anyone give me further help.

