I used Norton Internet Security 2011 and recently it found some Trojan Gen 2 in the java cache folder like ifology.class and mailvue.class and then quarantined and later permanently deleted. The problem was that Norton Internet Security program state that these trojan files were in my computer since september 2010.
I would like to know the risk of Trojan Gen 2 like ifology.class and mailvue.class and should I change all of my password like my web base email, shopping web site and bank? Also any other action I need to do?
I used Norton Internet Security 2011 and recently it found some Trojan Gen 2 in the java cache folder like ifology.class and mailvue.class and then quarantined and later permanently deleted. The problem was that Norton Internet Security program state that these trojan files were in my computer since september 2010.
I would like to know the risk of Trojan Gen 2 like ifology.class and mailvue.class and should I change all of my password like my web base email, shopping web site and bank? Also any other action I need to do?
This is genetic detection of potentially malicious code. Any files which are detected as Trojan.Gen.2 should be submitted to Symantec Security Response via https://submit.symantec.com/websubmit/retail.cgi because of potentially false-positive detections.
Before you go and exclude the file, please submit it for further anlysis. If it then gets a clean bill of health, Symantec will adjust the definitions so that it won't get flagged. Until it gets further analysis, I would leave it in quarantine until you know for sure that it is safe.