Safari Extension - how do I control it or remove it?

I recently installed the Identity Safe Safari Extension. The trouble is that it is always on, even after shutting down and restarting my iPad once I start Safari it is happily filling in all passwords without me re-entering my Vault password. This is far too insecure for me. On my PCs I have it set that I need to re-enter my password after any restart, sleep, hibernate etc.

I cannot find any settings anywhere to control this behaviour. If I cannot do that I want to remove the extension. But I cannot find any way of doing that either.

Please - how do I control its behaviour, or failing that how do I remove the safari extension?

n.b I have had the Identity Safe App on my iPad for a long time, that works as I want it too. That does not have the Vault Open, but Safari is happily filling in all passwords none the less!