Safe-site verification for blog site 09/15/12

This is my second post about safe-site verification for my blog site ( I have been reading the other posts pertaining to this same issue, gathering information on how I can apply those methods of verification for my blog site verification...I have had a computer now for 16 months, and would need a computer language for dummies book for a computer language for dummies book..."If I had enough hair left, I would tear it out!" --I have returned to my dashboad with the acquired Info., and the Norton provided meta tag. I have applied the Norton provided meta tag to 4 locations in my dashboard/homepage...First, I utilized the tool method. Going to Tools (Advanced Tools), in the "Webmaster Tools Verification" section; there are two empty spaces. One is labeled "Google Webmaster Tools", and the other is "Bing Webmaster Center"...I have pasted and saved the Norton provided meta tag to both of those empty spaces...The other two locations I have pasted the meta tag to are in a homepage box, window, or what ever it's called; entitled, "QuickPress". My reason for doing this, was that I noticed the word "Tags" marked beside an empty space. I entered the Norton provided meta tag in that space and clicked on "Publish"...At the top of that homepage box, window, or what ever it's called; entitled, "QuickPress". I noticed in small print "Homepage Quickpost form" (the word homepage sparked my interest). Clicking on to that another box, window, or what ever it's called; appeared...Once again there was an empty space marked "Tags". Yes, I pasted the Norton provided meta tag in that box, as well. I hope this works. I still don't know how to utilize the Norton community forum, and just getting back to this point was quite an adventure...I notice that others who have had a similar issue, have corresponded with other members of the forum, where they were advised that Norton would mannually check their site--"Not to worry", "It would take two weeks" etc....I hope my post reaches the right place. Whereas, I do not know how to crrespond with other members yet. "If anybody out there can direct this issue to the proper channels, or has any information as to how I can, 'Please Help'...MR-1. Thank you!"...My blog site is: