Safe Web Appeal Broken; My Site Incorrectly Flagged as Phishing



For over 24 hours, the appeal process on Safe Web has been broken.  It just says "Sorry, try again later."  You flagged my site,, as a phishing site, as you appear to have exploited something in Joomla 2.5 where it returns a 500 error instead of a 404 error when you request a URL that doesn't exist but that ends in .php.  


I've searched my logs for the last 60 days, and the only request to the so-called phishing URL was yours on Saturday, which got a 500 error, and so I assume you've blacklisted me for this reason.  I've fixed it so it returns a 404 error.  If you could just please re-run the scan, I'm sure we'd pass.  


I've emailed repeatedly with no reply from the Safe Web team.  The website seems broken.  Please help.  You're costing me a lot of money as we are launching a new product this week and you've already made us look really bad with our customers.


If you could get this to someone on your Safe Web team, I really need some help here, and they appear to be otherwise unreachable.




Jonathan Brown